The Internet has become such a powerful tool for business owners in engaging, targeting and understanding their customers. With cut-throat competition all in one central place it can be difficult to get noticed in an ever-growing crowd. It doesn’t take a marketing or IT background to know how to make your website standout. There are simple solutions that can greatly assist you in boosting your online presence, and here are 3 of them.
1. Get Social
Join online communities and social networks to leverage some traffic. Your customers are likely to be active social media users, use this knowledge to your advantage. There are heaps of social media sites that can give you access to potential customers for free. Start out with the big ones; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google Plus, LinkedIn. Join relevant discussion groups within these platforms and start connecting with your customers. Share you news, promotions and advice to attract more engagement and links back to your website. Social media is one of the easiest ways to kickstart your killer online presence.
2. Blog Away
You don’t have to be a professional blogger to share your advice and expertise. Use the knowledge you have on your industry and share this online with your own blog. Whether you’re in fashion, travel, IT or hospitality, there is always something you can write about. Share your knowledge through social media and watch your website hits increase.
3. Send a Newsletter
Once you’ve captured the attention of potential customers it can be difficult to maintain and build that relationship. A simple solution to this is through a newsletter, whether weekly, fortnight, monthly or biannually. Use your newsletter to share topics of interest, promotions, company news and industry trends. This keeps the connection alive, and consumers engaged.
The Internet has reformed the way traditional marketing works. The principles as such, have not changed. The basics are that we are connecting with our customers, sharing our advice and keeping in touch. These foundations aren’t hard to build but can be extremely profitable to any business if done right.