
If you have referred a client to Conetix or are a developer who manages multiple customers hosted with Conetix, you can use a centralised login and gain access to your client’s hosting directly from your login.

In order for this to be configured, Conetix must first configure the client account association for you. If a customer is missing from your login, you can have the client add you to their account here. Otherwise please contact support and we’ll confirm the association and add it in for you.


  1. Log into your Conetix Portal:
    managing spam experts - conetix control panel
  2. Select Switch Accounts in the left hand menu:
    accessing client hosting accounts
  3. You will be taken to a page where all of your Clients Accounts will be listed, Example below;
    accessing client hosting accounts
  4. You can then click on the account(s) you manage on behalf of your client.

If you have any difficulties with this please contact our friendly support team.

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