This article will show you how to setup a Inbound mail rule for your Office 365 or Hosted Exchange service if you are using a Barracuda Anti Spam Firewall.
This rule will bypass Office 365 or Hosted Exchange in built Anti Spam system preventing the likely hood of false positives.
- Log into Office 365 Admin Portal https: //portal.office.com
Click on the ADMIN (1)
Click on the Exchange (2)
- Once in Exchange Screen
Click on mail flow (1)
- In mail flow screen
Click on + (1) to add a new rule
- Select Create a new rule… (1)
- Add Rule Name (1) (you can call it anything you wish) in our case we call it BarracudaINBound
Select from dropdown *Apply this rule if…
Select The sender (2)
Select IP address is in any of these ranges or exactly matches (3)
Click Save (4)
- When IP screen pops up add IP address of sending Barracuda service in Conetix case it is (1)
Click OK (2)
- It will add IP address then click OK (1)
- Select from *Do the following…
Modify the message properties.. (1)
Select set the spam confidence level (SCL) (2)
Click on SAVE (3)
- Select Bypass spam filtering (1)
Select OK (2)
Select SAVE (3)
- You should now see your new rule.