
This article will show you how to setup a Inbound mail rule for your Office 365 or Hosted Exchange service if you are using a Barracuda Anti Spam Firewall.
This rule will bypass Office 365 or Hosted Exchange in built Anti Spam system preventing the likely hood of false positives. 


  1. Log into Office 365 Admin Portal https: //portal.office.com
    Click on the ADMIN (1)
    Click on the Exchange (2)
    office365 admin portal
  2. Once in Exchange Screen
    Click on mail flow (1)
    office 365 exchange mail flow setting
  3. In mail flow screen
    Click on + (1) to add a new rule
    new rule in office 365
  4. Select Create a new rule… (1)
    create a new rule in office 365
  5. Add Rule Name (1) (you can call it anything you wish) in our case we call it BarracudaINBound
    Select from dropdown *Apply this rule if…
    Select The sender (2)
    Select IP address is in any of these ranges or exactly matches (3)
    Click Save (4)
    add new rule exchange office 365
  6. When IP screen pops up add IP address of sending Barracuda service in Conetix case it is (1)
    Click OK (2)
    add ip address for from sending server
  7. It will add IP address then click OK (1)
    add ip address ok in office 365
  8. Select from *Do the following…
    Modify the message properties.. (1)
    Select set the spam confidence level (SCL) (2)
    Click on SAVE (3)
    do the following acl in office 365
  9. Select Bypass spam filtering (1)
    Select OK (2)
    Select SAVE (3)
    bypass spam filer
  10. You should now see your new rule.
    barracuda anti spam rule setup complete for o365
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