
This article will guide you through taking a backup of your MySQL database via Plesk, using the inbuilt phpMyAdmin utility. This highly recommended to do before running any website upgrades (eg Joomla or WordPress) or when 


  1. Login to the Conetix Control Panel or direct via Plesk.
  2. Click on the Databases button:
    plesk - databases button
  3. Locate the database you want to backup then click on the "Webadmin" link on the right:
    plesk mysql backup - webadmin
    This will open a new window.
  4.  Click on the Export tab:
  5. Leave the Export method set to Quick:
    plesk - phpmyadmin - quick export
    This will produce a zipped file and automatically download it once the backup is complete.
  6. Click go and after the server has taken the database backup, it will start to download for you.
  7. Open the zip file and double check that it contains the SQL backup. 
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