
This article shows you how to determine what files and directories are using space within your hosting subscription. This can be a great place to start if you’ve received a notification in regards to excess usage (eg, Resource usage by subscription has exceeded the allotments).


  1. Log into your Conetix or Plesk Control Panel. 
  2. Within the website you want detailed file usage for, select Diskspace Usage:
    plesk onyx - website files disk space usage
  3. This will load the data for the httpdocs directory for the site, which is where your files sit. For example:
    plesk onyx - website files disk space usage
  4. You can then click on each directory to see further usage information. For example, if we look at the wp-content directory (where WordPress stores uploaded images, bacukps, themes and plugins):
    plesk onyx - website files disk space usage
  5. A graphical representation is also available at the bottom of the screen: 
    plesk onyx - website files disk space usage
  6. If required, you can also select files from the left-hand side and use the Delete Selected button to delete.

Note: Conetix highly recommends taking a backup of the site before deleting any files.

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