.ASN.AU was created specifically for non-commercial organisations that are based in Australia, and due to their exclusivity, are a trusted Domain Name for both small and large organisations. .ASN.AU domains are commonly registered by Australian Charities, Foundations, Sports Clubs, and Trade Organisations.
Who Can Register a .ASN.AU Domain Name?
To be eligible to register an ASN.AU domain name. You need to meet the following criteria:
- Not-for-profit organisations registered with the Australian Charities and Not-For-Profits Commission (ACNC)
- Club/Sporting/Special Interest Groups
- Religious/Church Groups
- Incorporated Associations in any State
- Political Party Groups registered with the Australian Electoral Commission
- Trade Unions registered with the Fair Work Act of 2009
What do I need to register a .com.au domain?
Common eligibility information registrars require for .asn.au domain names are:
- An active ABN/ACN for a not-for-profit or charity organisation.
- Incorporated association number for a not-for-profit/charity organisation
- An active ABN/ACN for an unincorporated entity.
More Information
Full details on 2012-04 – Domain Name Eligibility and Allocation Policy Rules for the Open 2LDs policy can be found on the AUDA Website.
If you are unsure regarding any of the eligibility requirements of the .com.au namespace please get in touch with our Domains Admin!