
With the release of WordPress 5.0, the updated Gutenberg editor will be installed by default and all existing WordPress installations which update to 5.0 will also receive this new editor. While there are a number of fantastic new features, some plugins and/or themes may have compatibility issues and therefore cause problems for your site. As a workaround, you can install the “classic” editor, which will use the editor you’re previously used to.

Note: As always advised before making any changes to your website, ensure you have a recent backup available.


  1. Login to your WordPress Admin.
  2. On the left-hand side, select Plugins -> Add New:
    wordpress: how to install the classic editor plugin
  3. In the search bar at the right, search for “Classic Editor”:
    wordpress: how to install the classic editor plugin
  4. Click on Install, then after this is complete click on Activate.
  5. By default, this will now utilise the Classic Editor for all posts and pages instead of the newer, Gutenberg style editor.
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