
This support article is aimed for Client’s who have there own Plesk VPS and describes the process of deleting a existing Hosting Subscription in Plesk.

All data under the subscription will be deleted, Addon Domains, Subdomains, Website files, Database, Mailbox’s (Including Emails ) etc.
If your require a backup of the hosting prior to removal this can be done by creating a Plesk Backup which can be downloaded once backup completed.


The Plesk Backup created under the subscription will also be deleted when subscription deleted.


Before proceeding with deleting of subscription you first need to check if there are any addon domains attached to the subscription being deleted as they will also be removed, this also includes subdomains, Website Files, Mailbox’s and Databases.


  1. Log into Plesk as admin user.
  2. Once logged in to Plesk, click on Subscriptions in the lefthand Nav.
    how to delete a subscription from your plesk vps
  3. Next Search for the Subscription to be removed, tick the check box, then Remove.
    For this example, “yourdomainname.help”
    how to delete a subscription from your plesk vps
  4. Next you will prompted to confirm deletion, also displayed will be any addon domains, subdomains under the subscription to be deleted.
    how to delete a subscription from your plesk vps
  5. Once you are satisfied click Yes, remove.
  6. Depending on the size of the hosting being deleted, can take from 5 mins for a small site to 15mins for large site.
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