This support article is aimed for Client’s who have there own Plesk VPS and describes the process of deleting a existing Hosting Subscription in Plesk.
All data under the subscription will be deleted, Addon Domains, Subdomains, Website files, Database, Mailbox’s (Including Emails ) etc.
If your require a backup of the hosting prior to removal this can be done by creating a Plesk Backup which can be downloaded once backup completed.
- Log into Plesk as admin user.
- Once logged in to Plesk, click on Subscriptions in the lefthand Nav.
- Next Search for the Subscription to be removed, tick the check box, then Remove.
For this example, “yourdomainname.help” - Next you will prompted to confirm deletion, also displayed will be any addon domains, subdomains under the subscription to be deleted.
- Once you are satisfied click Yes, remove.
- Depending on the size of the hosting being deleted, can take from 5 mins for a small site to 15mins for large site.