The disk space is the total amount of data that can be stored on your server at any one point in time. For a Virtual Private Server (VPS), this includes both your the files for your website as well as the system level files including logs and system libraries. You can quickly determine if the excess usage is due to a website by viewing the usage per website and comparing to the total space available.
Viewing Overall Server Usage
- Log into Plesk using the admin credentials.
- On the left hand side, select Health Monitoring.
- Click on button on the left of the Disk tab to expand out and see the overall graph. It should look something similar to this:
- This will also help to show if there's an issue with space being used rapidly or if the usage has remained steady.
Viewing Usage Per Website
- Log into Plesk using the admin credentials.
- Navigate to Tools and Settings:
- Under Statistics, navigate to Summary Report:
- Change the report type to Full Report:
- Scroll down to the domains section to see a breakdown of each domain and how much space it is using. For example:
If there's excess usage which isn't associated with a domain, it may be backup files or other system files. Please contact Conetix for further assistance in diagnosing the space.
VPS's can reserve anywhere from 4 to 100GB of space for its own internal use of your space depending on the size of the server.