
Conetix offers free Let’s Encrypt certificates as well as paid Rapid SSL certificates which include installation costs. If you have purchased an SSL through a third party offering you’ll need to install the certificate to your hosting with Conetix. This article will step you through installing the Private Key, Certificate, Intermediate and root parts of the certificate.


  1. Log into your Plesk control panel.
  2. Click on the Websites & Domains:
    how to install a paid ssl certificate
  3. Under the Dashboard tab, click SSL/TLS Certificates:
    how to install a paid ssl certificate
  4. Click Advanced Settings:
    how to install a paid ssl certificate
  5. Click Add SSL/TLS Certificate:
    how to install a paid ssl certificate
  6. Enter a meaningful certificate name – eg. domainname_[start year]_[end year]:
    how to install a paid ssl certificate
  7. Copy & Paste the contents of your private key file into the corresponding field, including the “—BEGIN—” and “—END—” parts of the file:
    how to install a paid ssl certificate
  8. Copy & Paste the contents of your certificate file into the corresponding field, including the “—BEGIN—” and “—END—” parts of the file:
    how to install a paid ssl certificate
  9. Copy & Paste the contents of your Intermediate and Root certificates (in that order) into the corresponding field, including the “—BEGIN—” and “—END—” parts of the file:
    how to install a paid ssl certificate
  10. Once you have uploaded the relevant files, click the related Upload Certificate button:
    how to install a paid ssl certificate

Assign the Certificate to your Domain

Once you have uploaded your certificate successfully, you can then assign the certificate to be used by your domain.

  1. Proceed to Websites & Domains -> Hosting & DNS -> Hosting Settings:
    how to install a paid ssl certificate
  2. Select the newly uploaded certificate from the drop-down list:
    how to install a paid ssl certificate
  3. Click OK to save.

Your certificate will then be assigned to your domain’s hosting.


You may need to close and re-open your web browser to see the site loading with the newly assigned certificate.

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