
While our systems featuring Plesk are generally rock solid, there are scenarios where you’ve missed or ignored the alerts from Plesk and it’s run out of resources. This can leave the server in a state where Plesk itself is unable to load and you’re therefore unable to login and fix. You may get errors stating:

DB query failed: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory
plesk emergency access via the repair kit

Luckily, Plesk has an emergency repair console via the Repair Kit which may be able to assist you in resolving the error.


We recommend even if you repair the issue, you should log a support request with Conetix. There are items beyond just Plesk which Conetix can review and check to ensure your server is 100% healthy.


  1. Open the Repair Kit link, which will be available as a button (as shown in the screenshot above) or by adding /repair to your Plesk URL (eg https://ws1.myservername.com.au:8443/repair).

    (The login credentials are your Plesk login credentials)
  2. Within the Repair Kit, check that the server has enough free disk space and memory. You can try the automatic tools to free up disk space and/or memory if these are an issue.
  3. Secondly, check that all services are running. For instance, this example shows MariaDB as not available:
    plesk emergency access via the repair kit
  4. If a service is stopped, you can try to restart them via the Restart Processes button. If they’re now both showing green, you can try the Log In to Plesk button at the top to confirm if the system is now accessible.


If the automatic cleanup of disk space, memory and restart of services didn’t resolve the issue, we highly recommend lodging a support request with Conetix. In many instances, restarting the server could make the issue worse.

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