
If you have multiple Plesk servers or you may need to quote Plesk license key to Parallels support, this article will assist you in finding where Plesk license Key number is located. 


Parallels Plesk Panel for Linux/Unix:

Your Plesk Panel license number can be found on the License Management page in the Plesk Control Panel. Once you are logged in.

1. Click on Server Management
2. Click on Tools & Settings
3. License Management

where can i find my plesk license key number?

Check the “Key number” field.

plesk license key  location screen shot

If the Control Panel is not accessible, you can log in to the server via SSH and learn the license number with the help of the following command:

  • Parallels Plesk Panel versions 7.x – 8.x:
grep 'Key number' /etc/psa/psa.key?

Key number: PLSK.02869009.0001
  • Parallels Plesk Panel version 9.x and higher:
grep 'key-number' /etc/sw/keys/keys/key*

<core:key-number core_type="string">PLSK.01234567</core:key-number>

Parallels Plesk Panel for Windows:

Your Plesk Panel license number is located in the same location as Linux version of Plesk and can be found on the License Management page in the Plesk Control Panel.

Once you are logged in.

1. Click on Server Management
2. Click on Tools & Settings
3. License Management

plesk license key administration screenshot for windows

Check the “Key number” field.

plesk license key number location - windows version

If the Control Panel is not accessible, you can log in to the server via RDP and learn the license number with the help of the following command:

  • Use this command in the command prompt:
"%plesk_bin%\keymng.exe" --get-key-number


If you are wanting to purchase a Plesk license to host on your own server, Conetix offers leased Plesk licenses to purchase.

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