
This support article shows how to create a new client and a hosting subscription in Plesk at the same time. Adding a subscription under a customer keeps your Plesk panel tidy as you continue to add new subscriptions to Plesk and grow as a reseller.


  1. Login to your Plesk server:
    manage and create a new customer in plesk obsidian
  2. Click on Customers and then Add Customer:
    manage and create a new customer in plesk obsidian
  3. Enter the Contact Name and Email Address of your customer:
    manage and create a new customer in plesk obsidian
  4. (Optional) Enter any additional customer information you’d like to be visible in Plesk:
    manage and create a new customer in plesk obsidian
  5. Under Access to Panel create a unique username for the customer and use generate to create a strong password:
    manage and create a new customer in plesk obsidian


To view the password click the eye icon:
manage and create a new customer in plesk obsidian

  1. Under Subscription, ensure Create subscription for the customer is ticked.
    manage and create a new customer in plesk obsidian


If you already have a subscription setup you want to put under this account, untick this option and skip to Step 9:

  1. Enter the domain name for the subscription:
    manage and create a new customer in plesk obsidian
  2. Under “Service plan” you can select your own custom service plan to apply to the subscription:
    manage and create a new customer in plesk obsidian
  3. (Optional) Select any add-ons you have configured:
    manage and create a new customer in plesk obsidian


You can add multiple addons to a single subscription.

  1. Click Add Customer:
    manage and create a new customer in plesk obsidian
  2. You can now proceed to uploading files to your customer’s Subscription.

If you have any issues with creating a Customer and subscription on your VPS, just let us know!

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