
This article describes how to change your Office 365 account password via the Microsoft Outlook online portal.

Changing your password via this portal will require you to update all devices to the new password when prompted.


  1. Open a new browser window and navigate to https://outlook.office.com
  2. Sign in with your email address and current password

reset office 365 password via outlook.com

reset office 365 password via outlook.com

reset office 365 password via outlook.com

  1. If this is your first time logging into this portal you may be prompted to select your language. Complete this with your desired Language and Time Zone settings.

office 365 - outlook.com - set timezone

  1. Once logged in you should see your display picture in the top right of the browser window. Click your display picture to show the “My account” side bar.
  2. If you have not updated your display picture this will appear as your initials.
  3. Click “My account” on the right underneath “My profile”

reset office 365 password via outlook.com

  1. In the new window that has opened click Security & Privacy on the Left

reset office 365 password via outlook.com

  1. Click Password in the main window to change your password

reset office 365 password via outlook.com

  1. Enter your current password into the “Old password” field
  2. Enter a new password into the “Create new password” field
  3. Enter your new password again in the “Confirm new password” field
  4. Click Submit

reset office 365 password via outlook.com

You must use a strong password with a minimum length of 8 and a maximum length of 16.
Uppercase, Lowercase letters, numbers and symbols must be used.
You cannot include your name in the password either.

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