
Clients using Acronis Cloud can follow this article to restore files to their Virtual Servers.


  1. Login to the Acronis Portal
    restoring files with acronis cloud
  2. Click Devices:
    restoring files with acronis cloud
  3. Find your virtual machine and click Recover:
    restoring files with acronis cloud
  4. In the slide out window, select “Recover…” under the date you’d like to restore to:
    restoring files with acronis cloud
  5. To recover individual files and folders, click “Files/folders” from the dropdown menu:
    restoring files with acronis cloud
  6. In the new Window, use the web portal file navigation to find the folder or files you need to restore:
    restoring files with acronis cloud
  7. Select the tick box next to the file(s) or folder(s) you’d like to restore:
    restoring files with acronis cloud
  8. To restore the file, click “Recover”. To download the file, click “Download”.
    restoring files with acronis cloud
  9. Once the download or recovery action is complete, your file will either download or be recovered to the server.


When restoring files/folders, they will overwrite any existing files/folders present on the server.

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