
The Acronis Cloud Backup (also known as Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud) uses cloud based storage, meaning your data is stored in an encrypted format off-site from your server. This space is allocated on a per GB basis and can be increased within the Conetix Control Panel at anytime. Things which affect the amount of storage required are:

  • Number of systems backed up
  • Size of the systems being backed up
  • Retention period of the backups

If you have exceeded your storage limit, the system will email you to let you know. Subsequent backups after this event will fail until either more storage is added or unrequired backups are removed.


We highly recommend reviewing your backups in detail before deleting. Conetix recommends at least a two week rolling backup with additional, staggered backups for up to 6 months.

Customers who require data retention for legal purposes should review their individual requirements if backups are used as part of their retention strategy.

Reviewing your usage

  1. Login to the Conetix Control Panel.
  2. Go to Services, then select the Acronis Cloud Backup Service:
    reviewing your acronis cloud backup storage
  3. This will give you a basic summary of the space used, for example:
    reviewing your acronis cloud backup storage
    In this example, we’ve used all available backup space and backups may be failing.
  4. In order to get a more detailed view of exactly where the space is used, we can login to the full Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud Console. Click on Go to Cloud Console to automatically login:
    reviewing your acronis cloud backup storage
  5. Within the Acronis Cyber Cloud portal, then select Manage service in the Cyber Protect tab:
    reviewing your acronis cloud backup storage
  6. On the left-hand side, select Backup Storage:
    reviewing your acronis cloud backup storage
  7. This will then give you a list of all items (virtual machines, databases and similar) which you have backed up to the cloud:
    reviewing your acronis cloud backup storage
    (You can sort by size by clicking on the Size column header)
  8. If one of the backups is larger than you’re expecting, you can select the VM or database, then on the right-hand side Show Backups:
    reviewing your acronis cloud backup storage
  9. This will display details about the backups stored, the size of each individual backup and the date the backup was run:
    reviewing your acronis cloud backup storage
  10. You can verify that the date pattern matches your expected retention within your backup plan. For example, the screenshot above shows a daily backup run for 7 days.
  11. If the individual backups are larger than expected even when incremental, it may be that you have a higher than normal amount of data changing on the server each day. This can occur if you have Microsoft SQL Server or backing up hourly to your local server. In this instance, we would recommend reviewing your backup retention plans to standardise or allocate further space to accommodate this.


We don’t recommend manually deleting backups from this area, as it won’t fix the underlying problem. It should only be done in cases where explicitly deleting a backup is required for legal purposes.

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