
This guide will show you how to add additional folders to your RoundCube Webmail inbox. This will allow you to sort your email into different folders, so that you can easily find them in the future.


  1. Log into Webmail with your account details. The URL to login is generally https://webmail.<yourdomainname.com.au>:
    roundcube login


  1. Click “Settings” in the top right:
roundcube webmail: creating inbox folders
  1. The left hand side of your Webmail window will now change, showing 2 new columns. Click Folders then Inbox.
  2. A plus symbol should now be visible, click this to open the add folder window.
roundcube webmail: creating inbox folders
  1. Once the add folder window is visible, type your folder name then click Save.
roundcube webmail: creating inbox folders
  1. You can now click the Mail button to stop adding folders.
  2. You are now able to click and drag messages into your newly created folder.
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